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About SLC

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Self Love Club (SLC) is a mental health organization based in Cleveland, Ohio that advocates mental health awareness and support in the community. SLC empowers people to talk about emotional & social issues and mental health concerns. Self Love Club provides a stigma-free space where people can talk about what they are dealing with and offers support to each other. SLC creates content and products that encourages loving yourself. With the aim of fostering understanding and empathy, Self Love Club creates campaigns to encourage a diverse cultural conversation around mental health. Through community, SLC aims to collectively overcome the stigma of mental illness. Collectively, we can raise the frequency and consciousness of the world.


If you want to change the world, love yourself first.


Self love is a revolutionary act.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Self Love Club aims to collectively overcome the stigma of mental illness. Our mission is to empower those with mental illness, their families and the community through self-love.


Our Vision

Self Love Club promotes healthy coping skills to combat mental health. As we love ourselves through these ways, we invite others to join the journey of self-love, fulfillment and self-acceptance.

  • SLC educates the importance of self-love to empower you to be the best...

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